
Maximise Engagement with Fuzey’s WhatsApp Conversations and Marketing

Drive more sales and build stronger customer relationships with targeted, high-engagement WhatsApp campaigns.

Superior Engagement

Leverage WhatsApp’s 98% open rate and 70% response rate to connect with customers

Drive More Sales

Personalise WhatsApp campaigns using customer data, increasing conversion

Capture Leads Instantly

Turn website visitors into leads by connecting them directly with your team

An Example Of A Campaign!


Attract and retain more customers


Get more leads

Segment customers by their needs and engage them before, during, and after the sale.
Customisable pop-up: Grow your subscriber list with a personalised website pop-up
SMS & WhatsApp marketing: Send targeted marketing to a tailored audience

Lock customers in with bookings and deposits

Connect with your customers on their terms and sell more cars.
Appointments: Book your leads in for an appointment and mitigate no shows with automated reminders on WhatsApp and SMS
Collect deposits: Turn your leads into customers by allowing them to pay directly via a secure payment link on WhatsApp and SMS. Fuzey supports all major credit cards including Apple and Google Pay

Earn more repeat business

Sell more cars and services to your existing customer base with WhatsApp and SMS campaigns.
Automated messages:  Boost customer loyalty with automated triggered messages based on your customers purchase history
Service reminder upsell: Send beautiful campaigns via SMS and WhatsApp coupled with service reminders to increase upsells
VIP events: Invite your customers to unique VIP events and simply manage invitations
feature 4

Good strategy comes from reliable data.

Get instant recommendations on marketing and advertising with auto-generated, detailed reports.
No more juggling between 8 different tools
Draft, schedule and send mails with a single software

Trusted by dealerships just like yours

We work with hundreds of leading dealerships in the UK, Ireland and beyond.

Get started today!

Start setting up your account by filling the details below.
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