
Creating a site that converts for local businesses

December 29, 2022
2 min
Fuzey makes it effortless for new websites to shine by providing website design teams with a high-quality web chat that helps local businesses connect with their audiences.
Creating a site that converts for local businesses

As a professional web designer, you work closely with local businesses to build gorgeous, eye-catching, functional websites. While these websites are impressive at first glance, wowing the customer with crystal clear graphics and easy navigation, many details can go inadvertently unattended, compromising the value you can ultimately deliver to your customers.

As an example, contact forms are a crucial website component for every business, especially those that depend on local traffic. An inefficient contact form or outdated means of communication, such as the wrong phone number or a broken social link, means a business won't get the value it should from its website. 

5 steps to create valuable websites for local businesses

Understanding what local businesses of different sizes truly need from their website is the best way to provide comprehensive services, add real value, and offer your customers the best service possible. Websites are more than a space to provide people with information about a brand. The following is a breakdown of what a great local business website should contain.

  1. A clear and concise presentation of a company, mission statement, and background story, told in a way that informs consumers on why the business exists and how it can solve their pain points. 
  2. A flawless mobile experience is a non-negotiable! Consumers that are a looking for a local service are likely to access websites on the go. The website’s mobile site experience needs to be smooth, with simple, straightforward navigation and fast load times. 
  3. Speaking of navigation, keeping it uncluttered is key. People want to find what they're looking for immediately, and a good web designer won't make them search for it. 
  4. A website, mobile and desktop, must load quickly. If landing pages don't load in around six seconds, there’s a substantial risk of people leaving and heading to the competition. 
  5. Easy engagement is vital. From multi-communication channels to on-page chatbots, contact forms, and readily available human customer service agents, great web designers make it easy for consumers to interact with a company regardless of where they find it. 

Build a website that shines with Fuzey

Fuzey makes it effortless for new websites to shine by providing website design teams with a high-quality web chat that helps local businesses connect with their audiences on the platforms they prefer (SMS, WhatsApp, email, social media…). By partnering with Fuzey, website designers sell the web chat as part of their design package, creating better services and unlocking a brand-new revenue stream that includes a minimum of 20% off of all fees!

Fuzey brings added value to your client's websites, offering instant, effective communication between consumer and company -  a win-win situation for all involved. 

Contact the Fuzey team here to learn more today!

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